Friday, November 13, 2009

Smoking on College Campuses

Cessie Ryder

Smoking is a large problem on college campuses that is widely overlooked because alcohol abuse tends to be dealt with first. The negative effects of smoking have been made very public over the years so why do students continue smoke? Everyone seems to have a different excuse.

College is a very stressful environment due to large amounts of difficult schoolwork and a new setting with all new people. Some students turn to cigarettes to help them de-stress because cigarettes have been known to be a source of relaxation and a quick, short escape from a stressful reality. Other students turn to smoking to create an image for themselves or to fit in to a certain group of people. Some people believe that if they smoke cigarettes it automatically makes them seem more “cool” and sophisticated. Many students also admit to smoking when already under the influence of another substance like alcohol. Drinking is very common in a college setting, therefore the use of cigarettes becomes more common and accepted due to the fact that more people are likely to smoke when under the influence of alcohol.

Even though smoking may provide a quick break from a stressful situation or have an effect on your image, the damaging health effects of cigarettes should be enough to make you think twice. Smoking causes all different types of diseases and health problems from respiratory and cardiovascular disease to lung and oral cavity cancer. Tobacco use is the leading cause of death in American today; therefore the problem of smoking on college campuses should be taken more seriously.