Tuesday, November 10, 2009

American Higher Education in Global World

Jinhyun Kim

According to the article, “New Era in International Higher Education” by Scott Jaschik, many American colleges are reaching further in providing education outside the United States by opening campuses in foreign countries. By this expansion, many students outside the United States get opportunities to earn degrees from American colleges without going through all the big change of moving into the United States which often times involves very complicated and tough process.

Nowadays, American higher education already involves diversity in several ways. Colleges form big communities and play significant role in global world. Also, total enrollment of foreign students in American colleges is large. Colleges consist of students from all over the world and benefit from them in making better communities within their campuses.

Furthermore, American colleges are now opening campuses in foreign countries. I think this step that colleges are taking is very beneficial for both colleges and students who experience this American higher education’s extension. Colleges will have different aspects from students which can help in variety of researches. Students are able to earn degrees from American college which would be really helpful in becoming a global leader or worker, and students do not have to deal with moving to another country and difficult process of obtaining visa or immigration issues. In addition, students in American colleges can experience different culture in those American colleges in foreign country as colleges often encourage students to study abroad.

For example, Georgia Institute of Technology offers a solid program of study abroad. As well as many foreign colleges are having joint program with Georgia Tech, the school has its own campus, Georgia Tech-Lorraine in Metz, France. Students have good opportunities to live in different culture, take classes like the ones in Georgia Tech main campus, and earn degrees from Georgia Tech.

Today’s society is not about concentration on one field. A lot of fields and works prefer people who are well-around and people who will become a global leader. I think both foreign students involvement in American colleges and American colleges’ expansion in foreign countries are great ways for students to become the people who the global world wants.