Thursday, October 15, 2009

Campus Safety for Students

Ajit Vakharia

One of the main concerns a parent may have when their child goes to college is security and if their child will be safe walking around campus no matter what time of the day. The truth is every college finds it hard to give a hundred percent security for all its students but a lot of precautions are being taken place. After the dreadful shootings at Virginia Tech in the early months of 2007, the media has put a new emphasis on college safety and security. Many colleges have put new systems in place since to provide safety and security to all of their students. Even though a lot of measures have put in to place since the shootings, not enough is being done; students are still being robbed and mugged. Through a more improvised system, security can be granted to all students. A lot of city campuses do not have a distinct border and are more intertwined within the city. This makes it tough to provide security given that anyone is able to walk onto the “campus,” but if new rules and regulation such as monitoring what type of people walk around these city campuses and only students with special keys are allowed to enter buildings, colleges are given the chance to become safer places to help students grow and become into the people they hope to without having to worry about getting hurt. Another way for city campuses to become safer is to make campuses more enclosed in the city by making walls and making walkways for pedestrians only, prohibiting vehicles from being driven on campus. This way no unidentified automobile can come onto campus without being known of by the police or whoever may be looking after the institute. Colleges can only do so much to provide safety to students. Students can also do their part to make everyone around them and themselves safer such as: if walking at night time, make sure to walk with a group of people, and never carry around a lot of money in a flashy way, and not look vulnerable to criminals by looking scared or meek.