Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sleeping in College

Subin Lee

College is one of the worst places to get a good night sleep. First of all, most new freshmen will not be used to the dorm they move in. Unlike their cozy homes, dorms are cramped, rickety, and noisy. It is quite hard for students to adjust easily into their tight quarters. First year of college is a whole new experience for freshmen, and they won’t just stay put in their rooms quietly. Though not all students will be partying crazy, the students that do party crazy all night long will create a significant amount of noise in the hallways, which would disrupt sleeping students.

Or, you might be one of the partiers. Noise is not the only factor that disrupts sleep for most students. College has numerous parties that students can join and bang up their night. Alcohol and drugs come together with parties, which might cause sleeping disorder.

The concept of freedom, where no one cares what you do, is college. When living at home, students probably had to sleep early, in order to go to school. Nevertheless, in college, it is not required for students to go to their classes; or even if they do, students have a choice no to, because it is not as strictly enforced as previous high school and middle school. Instead of going to their morning classes, many students have the choice of sleeping in, or just not go to class due to their laziness. Missing classes and sleeping in can then develop into a habit, which can also be another cause for sleeping disorder.

Another big issue that leads to sleeping disorder is procrastination, which many students develop in college. Procrastination is a killer in college, especially when there is a big homework due or an exam the next day. There said, college is a sleep killer for most students.