Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Public Enemy: Stress

Jinhyun Kim


Transition, new people, labs, papers to write, tests, all these big words can approach many college freshmen as huge stress. Why do we have to deal with this? Obviously, stress is a big negative to college students, especially freshmen going through a lot of changes and decisions. We already have a lot to take care, and stress is nothing but more burden.

Unfortunately, stress gives students more than just headache. It could be very harmful in other ways. The study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health, cited in the article "Sleepwalking Students" of Inside Higher Ed, suggests that stress interferes students initiating sleep. Hopefully many people know how essential it is to regularly ha ve a good amount and quality of sleep. Also, sleeping well and maintaining good health help deal with stress.

There is no perfect solution to deal with stress that applies to everyone. Individuals have different method to get around. For example, being optimistic and not letting it overwhelm one is very good attitude. Physical activity is one of the positive ways to reduce emotional stress. As well, efficient time management can play a key role for college students. Avoiding to be pressed for time will decrease the amount of stress at the beginning. One of the alternate solutions could be something like using stress as a motivation and improving a skill.

It is quite hard to live without getting any stress. The point is how to deal with it so it won’t be overwhelming. It would be a shame to miss many bright things in college life because of stress.